
This is the "Magic"...
Behind the scenes!

Below is a sample piece of code developed in Java. It is the same code that was used to develop the clickable button in the Event Programming Section. No real mystery here! ^_^ You can mess with the colors and font color to make the normal and cursor over images different.

Mr. Snowman!

Here is the ActionScript for Mr. Snowman...with a brief explanation!

Here is the code that moves Mr. Snowman back and fourth.

This piece of code is put in the frame to recognize our little box.

This code is for the Mushroom

Origin of this Code Source - A Newground Tutorial laid it out nicely. You can make your own game with Flash and it doesn't have to be a snowman like ours. It felt like Christmas time!


Here is the code for Clock we used in the Examples section. Simply make a text box with 00:00:00 in it. Switch the text type to dynamic text and give the Variable location the name "disp". Once that is done insert the ActionScript into the first frame by right clicking and going down to action.

As you can see, the code is already commented up for you. We simply added to the graphical aspect using Flash. The link below contains the tutorial used on Newgrounds to create this. It's probably the best tutorial you'll find on the site. Go into beginner and then clock to see what's going on.

Large Tutorial Containing Clock

Ship Game

Here is the code for the Ship game. This was a little more difficult to make than the past two creations. Start off by making a ship of your own and converting it to a movie clip. From there, give it the instance name "player". The instance box can be found on the bottom of the screen in a little white text box that says "instance". From there create as many enemies as you want just like you did the ship. Give them the instance name of Enemy. The life bar is made just like the ship and the enemies. Give it the instance name "lifebar". Don't confused instance names with the name you gave to your object when turning it into a movie clip. The two are different, and the ActionScript will use the instance name to utilize the functions you want carried out. From here, create a dynamic text box inside the lifebar. Give it the variable name life. Your life will be set to 100 in the code used for this frame. Don't get frustrated if you can't find some things. It takes practice to get used to the Flash environment. Feel free to email us with questions or comments on this.

The idea for this was actually made using a combination of Newgrounds tutorials. The life bar was included in a tutorial telling how to make a simple game with health and enemies while the ship and tracking enemies were included in a completely different tutorial. Finally, here is a little picture to help you along. This is what our main frame looked like:
